What do you do?
Chechi: Although I have a degree in and Msc in architecture, I'm a fashion designer and own my own women's wear label Chechi Arinze. I also work as a creative director of fashion shows and fashion related events.
Kelz: I'm a full time student.
How long does it take for you to get dressed every morning?
Chechi: about an hour
Kelz: 30mins if I set out my clothes the night before, 1hr+ if I didnt.
One accessory you can't live without ?
Chechi: My rings
Kelz: I cant think of one thing
Shoes or bags?
Chechi: shoes def!
kelz: shoes
I would never be caught dead wearing . . .
Chechi: 'invisible' bra straps and uggs
Kelz: Harem pants!
Who is your style inspiration?
Chechi: Serena (gossip girl) and the Olsen twins
Kelz: I want to be as Chic as Victoria Beckham, as care free as Beyonce and as bad ass as Rihanna sans bare boobies.
Vampire diaries or True blood?
Chechi: Vampire Diaries
Kelz: None! anything with vampires in it is daft, Bella and her boyfriends included.
Horror, thriller, Action or funny movies?
Chechi: thriller
Kelz: Action movies! the bloodier the better!
How did you come about your blog name?
it's our surname 'Arinze' spelt backwards.

Awwwww. I wanna sister. On second thoughts -maybe not - don't want to share my clothes.