I went to Luton on Friday to attend my baby cousin's 1st birthday party. It was on Saturday (my birthday) so i slept over on Friday night to help with the party. I woke up to this cake, my cousin and her husband thoughtfully got for me. Double chocolate, yummy.

My darling friend Dubem decided to host a dinner for me. I had no idea at the time it was meant to be a surprise. So she and my friend Marlene, got together and made a false Facebook event page for me whilst everyone was planning and scheming on another page without my knowledge. I kinda suspected something was going on because Marlene would get so flustered whenever I asked the most basic questions about the dinner. Anyway, the plan was for everyone to decline, but then show up and surprise me at the dinner. They were all replying with things like 'sorry cant make it, have a wedding to attend', 'i'm not gonna be in London this weekend sorry' only for my friend Idris (listen to his music here) to reply 'im off to Kazakhstan for the weekend' LOL really? Then I had this conversation with my friend in Nigeria.
R: Hey babe, what are you doing on Saturday?
Me: Oh Dubem is hosting a dinner for me
R: How do you know about the dinner?
Me: She told me.
R: I thought it was supposed to be a surprise? well I guess plans changed.
I didn't say anything to anyone though because I thought it was so cute that they cared enough to make the effort and I didn't want to curb their enthusiasm. Regardless, it was an amazing day for me and Im so happy everyone took time out of their busy exam revision schedules to celebrate with me. I love all of you guys and I'm grateful to have friends like you. xxxx
How fab is Ayotunde's Zara coat?
After the dinner we went off to Maddox club, but our party was way to big so my friends promoter decided to take us to this supposedly good club, he ended up taking us on a tour because he didn't have a clue where he was going and halfway through the 'tour' of Mayfair his phone (which he was using as a guide) stopped working. It's actually funny now, but then I not a happy bunny. Staggered to Anaya, music was shit, drinks were way unreasonably priced. Anaya club management if you just happen to be reading this post (because you know, have nothing better to do) FIRE YOUR DJ! scraps. I didn't let that ruin my night though. I had an amazing time.
My dress is from asos and my purse was a christmas gift from my family friend.

So prettyy. your gown is gorgeous
thank you!
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