Wednesday, 6 February 2013

80's Bridal Shower

Hi guys these are the pictures from the bridal shower i planned in December for my bestie isioma, i promised to post them ages ago really sorry about that.
Anyhoo the theme was 80's grunge and to my surprise everyone really got into it and came dressed appropriately!

decided to be innovative and have a candy stand as opposed to a cupcake stand
Nurah! she had to leave early tho.

 Lade, i loved her take on the whole 80's thing, and don't get me started on her waistline. i really need to take my crunches more seriously

 i was kinda like a punk cindy lauper typa 80's girl as opposed to the Madonna look we had all decided on.

 The bride issey!!! you can see her rocker jacket and purse

 ike did hers with a jerry curl like weave and a cropped top.

 It's kelly baybay! i think kelz was the only one that really hit the grunge look on the head

Zmama! posing with my disco curtain which i was sooo proud of. Set it up myself n shiii

 not really sure what kelz was drinking here *cough* anyway don't you just love her dark lipstick?

 This was after we just finished a rigorous round of musical chairs, which kelz won i might add. (bum bum power)
 yea i made all the guests play freeze, musical chairs and all those other games from when we where kids.


Part 2. All dressed and ready for the second part of the night. we went out and had a fabulously merry time!
*I apologize for the poor picture quality.



  1. I've been dreaming of the 12baskets' small chops since. le sigh*

  2. awww thanks for sending me a link on twitter. still sad i missed the entire isioma soiree. looks like you guys had a blast

  3. awww congrats to isioma. my greetings to her.

  4. isioma Asiodu- otughwor7 February 2013 at 01:10

    Awwwwwwwwwww. Beautiful memories.....great friends and was amazing,had the right amount of drama. Thanks ladies...I'm on honeymoon now lost the first few days to a really bad cold and we had to play Doctor and patient_ not the way I planned it though...this involved loads of sniffs,sneezes,tissue paper,red eyes and sleepless nightss....looking fwd to a better second half in Paris. Hugs

  5. Aww I wish I had not missed this you did so well with the disco curtains. Isi your doctor and patient story is hilarious, your trip to Paris will be amazing :)

  6. This is such a great idea and everyone looked great!


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